My methods
How I approach treatments
The use of acupuncture is effective for treating physical and mental conditions, strengthening the body, preventing diseases and more. The treatment is done with the help of needles which will be placed in the points located on meridians (network of energy channels) spread throughout the length and width of our body.
​When they are inserted into the body, stimulation and activation of the punctured point is possible, and in combination with the other punctured points, a healing process begins, depending on the patient and the therapeutic strategy we adapted to the patient.
​The acupuncture needles are small and delicate, so this is a safe and effective treatment method, which does not involve risk or discomfort. After the injection, you may feel some kind of slight itching or tingling - these are normal sensations.
Chinese herbalism
One of the oldest methods in the Chinese toolbox. Since ancient times, the use of medicinal plants has been extremely available to man and particularly effective. The plants can be taken in different forms such as cooking dried plants, powder, extraction (tincture) and more.
A formula of herbs can be brewed specifically when combining several herbs together to personally adjust the treatment to the patient, or in the form of patent formulas which are based on classical Chinese formulas which are very convenient to use since they are available and very effective.
I only use herbs that have been found to be effective and safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
We are the sum of the food we consume. it's clear!
Food is one of the happiest things and its availability opens up endless possibilities for us to create for ourselves a menu that is not only nutritionally balanced, but can also support the therapeutic strategy while taking into account the basic structure of the patient, the seasons and more.
After our first meeting I will build you a menu suitable for your lifestyle while taking into account your personal preferences and personal abilities - it will be fun!
Massage (with/without oil)
The massage is done according to the principles of Chinese medicine on the same meridians and acupuncture points while massaging the muscles, tissues, ligaments and tendons.
With this method, we improve blood flow and energy in the body and enable the opening of blockages that create pain and health problems, starting with fertility problems through orthopedic problems to neurological problems such as migraines and more.
The treatment is carried out on a bed and consists of different techniques in order to regulate the energy in the body.
If you are interested in a massage with oil, I will combine it with suitable essential oils that can improve your condition.